We are your Event Planner
 Red Hot Mama Productions has specialized in producing corporate Summer Picnics and Holiday Parties for Silicon Valley since 1988. Red Hot Mama Productions in not just an event planner, we are a two part company: Event Planning and Entertainment Booking These facets give us the ability to produce entire events...everything from the catering to the entertain- ment--including finding the facility. Or we can simply send out solo entertainers to add a little spice to an already existing event. We are a scalable event planner! |
Red Hot Mama Productions, Event Planner for the greater Silicon Valley area
Or drop us a quick line...inquiries@redhotmama.com |
Red Hot Mama ProductionsEvent Planner545 14th Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95062 phone: 831.475.1656 fax: 831.475.1712 website@redhotmama.com |
website design: brooksweb technical issues: webmaster |
this site best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and is optimized for current browsers |
all contents of this site © copyright 1988-2001 red hot mama productions